Puzzle #7: Lost in a Labyrinth

July 25, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

Only one day remains before the clock runs out on the puzzle #6 response window!  If no one beats the 44 letter mark, a winner will be crowned! Today’s puzzle once again changes the nature of the game.  We started with number puzzles, spent a week on a word puzzle, and now we’ve got ourselves a fresh logic puzzle!  This one puts you in the shoes of an adventurer in a strange maze.

Northwest Pacific: Celebrity Millennium & The Adventure of the Millennium Door

July 24, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

June 1, 2018 (Flashback) – After departing Anchorage, I watched the Alaskan scenery on a bus ride to the cruise port in Seward.  No mountain goats but one moose and plenty of avian wildlife.  After a shockingly short check-in process (no lines!), it was all aboard and bon voyage.  And to my great surprise, my ship, the Celebrity Millennium, was not without puzzles of its own!

Connect on Twitter!

July 23, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

Good news- I’m now on Twitter!  My Twitter feed will post when there’s new material on the blog, including when the new weekly puzzle is posted!  Now that the Puzzle Point Shop is live, there’s no reason not to try winning some freebies.  Connect with @PuzzleDrifter on Twitter.

Puzzle #6: Word Wizard

July 20, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

After a stretch of number puzzles, it’s time to try a words one.  This one requires a little bit of work rather than relying on a “gotcha” moment, so take your time.

Anchorage, AK: Alaska Escape Rooms – The Raven’s Eye

July 15, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

June 1, 2018 (Flashback) – It’s about time for me to get back to the story of the journey across the Pacific Northwest, centered around a cruise from Seward, AK to Vancouver, BC.  The trip began with an overnight flight from Chicago to Anchorage, and after arriving in Anchorage well before the crack of dawn, I had a few hours to spend in town.

Puzzle #5: Old and New

July 11, 2018 Brian Gondek 2

You know how textbooks often have a knowledge check at the end of a chapter, distilling the chapter’s lesson down into just a few core questions?  This week’s puzzle is like that.  It requires using the crux of at least one of the earlier puzzles (1-4) to get to the answer.  Ready?

Arlington Heights, IL: “What Riddle Is That?” Jigsaw Puzzle

July 9, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

If you look up “summer” in the dictionary, you might find the following definition: “A two to three month window, typically between June and August, in which academic hiatuses and clement weather lead to a spike in demand for travel*.”  If one were to follow the asterisk at the end of the sentence to the footnotes, he/she would find the following addendum: “An increase in demand while holding supply fixed will typically increase the equilibrium price.”   What does it all mean?  In short, that traveling during the summer months is really freaking expensive!

Puzzle #4

July 4, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

This week’s puzzle is a number sequence with a little twist.  What’s the twist?  If I told you that, it’d be a dead giveaway!  So have fun and good luck.  No outside knowledge required for this one.

Morgantown, WV: Morgantown Escape Room – Excalibur

June 30, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

June 23, 2018 – If I’m ever asking myself if it’s worth it to travel ten hours from home for a one hour event, I can think back to my time at Morgantown Escape Room and answer with a definitive “YES!”  One of my favorite things about escape rooms is getting to see the designers’ unique and clever thought processes, and the Excalibur: Saving Camelot room and the folks at Morgantown Escape room truly delivered.