4 Days, 6 Escape Rooms

January 5, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

I can’t imagine a better way to start the year. By the end of the day on January 4th, I had already completed 6 escape rooms, with only one of them in my home state of Illinois.

On the Road: Springfield, MO

January 2, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

Jan 2, 2021 – Christina and I hit the road for the first time in a while to head down to Springfield, MO. In 2018, I passed near here on my way to Tulsa, but I hadn’t thoroughly explored the area.

Cancun: Relax & Puzzle

September 20, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

I can’t believe we’re already on the latter half of our trip to Cancun! This trip has been a little different from any other I’ve ever done, but still very enjoyable.

Cancun: A New Adventure

September 18, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

For the first time in about four years, I’m going on a vacation in which it’s possible I might not complete an escape room. Horrifying, I know, but there’s a lot to look forward to.

COVID Tourism – Madison, WI

August 1, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

The times we live in continue to be interesting and unprecedented, and I’m not sure what this weekend is going to look like. Regardless of any uncertainty, Christina and I hopped in the car, rented a hotel room, and headed up to Madison, Wisconsin.

Back to Denver, Pt 1

June 13, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

Denver holds a special place in our hearts.  It was the first leg of our final segment of the 50 state challenge in 2018 (Colorado->Wyoming->Montana->Idaho), and we immediately fell in love with the area.  Open roads with high speed limits, great scenery, and fantastic escape rooms.

Travel Restored

June 12, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

Travel is back on the menu!  I’ve completed one (very safe) trip, got another (very safe) trip I’m on right now (more on that later!), and I have a bigger trip on the calendar for August, followed by the Red Bull Discovery Lab in September.  Indianapolis, Denver, Miami cruise, and Boston, respectively.