Jan 2, 2021 – Christina and I hit the road for the first time in a while to head down to Springfield, MO. In 2018, I passed near here on my way to Tulsa, but I hadn’t thoroughly explored the area.
The weather was harrowing on the way down, and we nearly turned around in Bloomington-Normal, with freezing rain turning to ice on much of our journey. After a pit stop for lunch at a Cracker Barrel, we decided to push through.
There was a silver lining to this cloud, though. To break up the trip a little more (an eight hour drive ended up taking about twelve), we stopped at Great Xscape in Rolla, MO to start off the new year with an escape room. We played the Hunter’s Cabin room and really enjoyed it.
After the room, we finished our long drive and spent an evening with family in Springfield. After retiring to the hotel, I woke up early and met my dad at Escape Artist 417 for a morning escape room. Two days into 2020 and two rooms solved, and I’m not sure we’re done for the day. If things get quiet (if my nieces and nephews want to take a nap), we may try another room in the area, even as far as going down to Branson to check out the area there.
But it’s not ALL about escape rooms. We might also head out and search for a few geocaches, or check out the impressive-looking aquarium in Springfield if it’s open for guests. The day is wide open, and I’m looking forward to reporting back on what we end up doing.
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