Northwest Pacific: Celebrity Millennium & The Adventure of the Millennium Door

July 24, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

June 1, 2018 (Flashback) – After departing Anchorage, I watched the Alaskan scenery on a bus ride to the cruise port in Seward.  No mountain goats but one moose and plenty of avian wildlife.  After a shockingly short check-in process (no lines!), it was all aboard and bon voyage.  And to my great surprise, my ship, the Celebrity Millennium, was not without puzzles of its own!

Connect on Twitter!

July 23, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

Good news- I’m now on Twitter!  My Twitter feed will post when there’s new material on the blog, including when the new weekly puzzle is posted!  Now that the Puzzle Point Shop is live, there’s no reason not to try winning some freebies.  Connect with @PuzzleDrifter on Twitter.

The Year Thus Far

June 15, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

I’ve got a lot of material to go back and sort through in 2018, and I’ll take it piece by piece.  I started with a few escape rooms in Illinois before going on the following trips.  Also note that I’ve gone to Wisconsin a few times, but I’m going to group those stories together in recap.

Starting Out

June 13, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

After getting more than halfway through my 2018 journey, I’m FINALLY putting some effort into documenting the journey.  Crossing my fingers that I have at least one photo from each state.