Seven Seasons of Korean Game Shows

December 30, 2024 Brian Gondek 0

I’ve written previously about how much Netflix’s The Devil’s Plan rocked my world. Since watching this phenomenal Korean intellectual game show, I’ve gone on a pilgrimage of watching other cerebral Korean game shows, and I’ve been loving it. The Genius, Crime Scene, Time Hotel… I’ve watched more than seven seasons of content and can’t get enough.

Christina’s 300th!

September 13, 2023 Brian Gondek 0

Christina’s 300th escape room was supposed to be a simple endeavor. I pegged our trip to Alaska as a great way to make Christina’s 300th memorable by solving a world famous room as #300.

ERChamp as a Watcher

November 20, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

Being part of the design team for ERChamp this year has been a unique experience- the annual online escape room tournament has been my favorite event to participate in every year, and now that I’m part of the design team, I can’t play along any more.

Congrats on 200 Rooms!

June 23, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

What do you do for someone who reaches an escape room milestone? I periodically went out of my way to do something special for mine- my 300th room was at a port of call in Mexico, and my 500th was a four hour deluxe game. When my dad reached #199, I knew I wanted to do something special for his.

Travels, Treasure, and Mysteries

April 7, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

The last few weeks have been crazy. I’ve visited some of the coolest escape rooms I’ve seen, gotten involved in trying to build an escape room community in Chicago, and tried a new type of treasure hunt. Oh yeah, and working and training a new puppy. And I actually almost forgot- starting a little business, too.

Dog Days

February 4, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

I promise this isn’t becoming a dog blog, but I needed to explain where my time has been going lately!

Big Plans for 2022!

January 2, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

I’ve got a lot of big plans for 2022. In all honesty, I’ve actually been waiting for the new year to make a few big moves, primarily registering a business officially so that I can cleanly start tracking everything for a new tax year. 2022 is here, and so are my updates!

500 down!

September 23, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

500 escape rooms- it’s sort of hard to believe. If each room averages one hour, that almost three weeks of my life spent playing escape rooms, 24×7. If I started solving escape rooms full time, nine to five, it would take me more than twelve weeks to hit this mark.