Next Stop: New England!

Only a few more trips to go this year, but I need to be careful because a spike in flight prices can be quite costly.  Currently at 41 states, I’m far past the point of no return, so if the only way to get to one of the last states is a $1000 flight…  I might have to do it.  Or drive 20 hours to avoid flying.  Either way, not ideal.

The next trip is all set: A three day trip to New England, flying in and out of Boston.  I plan to tackle five states, heading to Rhode Island immediately after landing, then catching Massachusetts on the way back up, ending at Vermont.  Then I can head through New Hampshire and wind up in Maine.  I have a good amount of extra time, so I just need to be prepared with a list of non-escape room things I can do in each place.  A good problem to have.

After this trip I’ll be up to 46 states, with four remaining states to complete in the last three months of the year!  Pretty good positioning, and making me wonder if I should push to get to the other US territories (especially Puerto Rico), but the current 50 states are my priority so I wont worry about the rest until the main challenge is in the books!

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