Review: Return of the Obra Dinn

November 29, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

I have to admit- I had never heard of Return of the Obra Dinn until I saw a plug for it on sale on a deals website, with one of the comments indicating that it’s a great mystery game to play together with others on a couch.  With that little plug, I was sold, and I bought a copy for my Nintendo Switch.

Online Puzzle Games Together, v2

November 15, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

So firstly, I need to apologize that the top of my site is clogged by boring Youtube videos. If you’ve had the misfortune of clicking play, you’ll find gameplay from Return of the Obra Dinn, with no commentary.

Puzzle Boat 2

October 28, 2020 Brian Gondek 8

At long last, we’ve finally completed Puzzle Boat 2! What started as an afternoon session with our whole team working together at the same time turned into a full month of nonstop puzzling that occupied every discretionary moment I can find.

New Puzzle- Space Fantasy

September 8, 2020 Brian Gondek 2

It’s been too long since I wrote a new puzzle, but inspiration struck today with the two-punch speaker event I attended as part of Red Bull Mind Gamers covering puzzle design and long distance space travel.