In case the world wasn’t feeling quite grim enough, I got this gem from my navigation unit. “Need a break? Try the abandoned gas station just up the road!”
After a week of chaos, driving an average of more than four hours per day, I’m finally ready to settle down and embrace the shutdown, as the state governments start to shut down any other options I may have had. It’s a little disappointing, but I understand… Although many of us are responsible enough to wash our hands fervidly and keep our personal distance, the states can’t count on the vast majority doing this, so the only option appeared to be shutting down the world for everyone.
I really do understand, and I might have done the same thing in the governors’ places, but it’s still brutal that even the businesses that take steps to keep their customers safe are getting targeted by this. And it really seems hypocritical that the states shut down escape rooms and comedy clubs while failing to enforce any regulations around bathroom doors at Walmart and gas pump handles at Citgo.
Anyhow, minor rant aside, I stopped by What the Lock Manitowoc, one of the gems of the midwest region (see my post on their Orvellio’s Reconjured room), to stock up on some of the home puzzle games they have for sale.

In addition to that big pile, I also grabbed a Deckscape game (missed it in the bag) and two Ravensberger Escape Puzzles (received as a birthday gift after taking the photo).
I will post some thoughts on these games as I progress through them. So far, not so good. Christina and I had an embarrassing start to our first Ravensberger jigsaw puzzle. We read in the description that the image on the box is not the same as the image on the puzzle, so we discarded the box immediately. Only after spending about two hours on the puzzle did we take another look at the box- although it’s not exactly the same image, it’s pretty close, and we would have saved ourselves a lot of time by keeping it handy.
About halfway through the puzzle, and having read the instruction manual, I’m still not sure it’s going to become apparent what we’re supposed to do when we complete the puzzle, but I’m up for the challenge!
Christina and I have played quite a few home escape room games (probably about 30- I haven’t kept count) and they don’t quite scratch the same itch as a real escape room, but this is a minor sacrifice compared to what a lot of other people are going through now, so I can’t complain.
Stay safe, keep your mind fresh, and stay sane!
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