Puzzle #29: Numeric Crux

A lot of my recent numeric puzzles have been tied to outside relationships of things typically associated with numbers.  Today I wanted to go back to having one that dealt purely with numbers & mathematics.  This time, if you hate mathematics, you should probably steer clear!

Good luck!  For this one, if you get stuck, I have a hint.


Try organizing the list in different ways- the answer may appear to you then.


I also wanted to say thanks to Jason Garvett at Mobile Room Escape for featuring me in their newsletter this week.  Jason is one of the most innovative minds in the escape room field, and I appreciate the callout.  His mobile laboratory escape room was one of the first I ever did (#12 to be exact, which seemed like a lot at the time), and he’s continued to be at the forefront of what escape rooms can do.

Can you solve the puzzle?  Let me know!


The function shows the position of where the number first shows up in pi (3.1415926535897…)


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