I’m on my heels a bit right now- posting rapidly between legs of a journey. This weekend I took a quick trip down to southern Missouri, I’m back in Illinois now, and I have to hit the road for Rochester, New York before 7AM tomorrow.
I’m smack dab in the middle of a self-inflicted time crunch. I booked a 1:30 EST escape room at Ghostly Manor in Sandusky, Ohio, five hours from my current location. I’m hoping to try out 5 Wits in Erie, PA en route to my destination as well. The theory is that a ten hour drive wont feel as long with some puzzles to break it up. I’ll find out soon enough.
I had a really neat weekend leading up to this moment, though. Christina and I visited Springfield, MO for my nephew’s first communion. After the family gettogether on Saturday, Christina, my dad, and I played the Saving Christmas game at Escape Room Joplin in Joplin, MO, which we really enjoyed. Afterwards we crossed into Oklahoma and visited a casino. I’m not a big gambler but I more than doubled my $20 stake, mostly with a lucky hit on roulette!
I’ve also been working on the Enter the Passphrase puzzle hunt- a hunt set up as part of the release of a book called “The Puzzler” by AJ Jacobs. The puzzles in it are enjoyable, with a new puzzle released every weekday until June 4. It’s got a $10,000 prize, so if you’re interested in puzzles, I highly recommend it.
Christina and I spent most of Sunday on the road making a return trip to Illinois. Christina boards her flight at 7AM to Rochester, while I’m going to be hitting the road right around then. I’m already exhausted, but I wont be afraid to pick up coffee and coke.
I plan on telecommuting from Rochester, with the exception of Wednesday, on which I plan to take the day off and head to Syracuse and try the Museum of Intrigue solo. While I’m out in Rochester, I plan on trying escape rooms in Rochester and Buffalo to get some nice new pins on my map of the different cities I’ve escaped in. And of course, I’m sure there are plenty of wonderful non-puzzle things to explore out that way- maybe we’ll go see Niagara Falls!
I know my summary here is a little rushed, but I have to hit the road in about 7 hours and I need to sleep and pack between now and then. Wish me luck!
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