I have a special request today… I need your votes!
Red Bull has a site called Red Bull Mind Gamers. This site is the hub for all of Red Bull’s unusual mental challenges. I missed the boat when they did their global escape room tournament, and it looks like they also created a game design contest where the prize was meeting the inventor of Tetris in Hawaii.
This year they’ve got a series of seven challenges, each focused on a different area of thought (Strategy, Creative, Logic, etc.). Contestants post their solutions, Red Bull picks the top 3, and after that it goes to a vote to determine the final winner. The winner is invited to the Red Bull Discovery Lab at MIT this upcoming May.
I’ve been submitting for each of the challenges thus far (I don’t have high hopes for my tanagram T-Rex I made for the Visual challenge!), and I was really surprised to see that I made the cut on the first challenge that opened for voting- Strategy!
So that being said, I need help. I can’t win without votes, and the competition is tough. To vote, you need to visit Red Bull’s page for this event: https://mindgamers.redbull.com/challengevote
Once at that page, you need to create an account using your email address or Facebook login. Then on the Strategy Challenge page, you can vote for “BG’s Strategy (PuzzleDrifter)” to win it all!
One word of warning- the voting mechanism is unstable. If you vote, it will always pop up with “Thank you for voting!” but your vote only counted if it then transfers to show you a pie chart with the current vote tallies. So if you vote and it brings you back to the voting options, you’ll have to try again later.
You’ll know it worked if you see this:

Thanks in advance for any support. Two more items I’d like to call out.
1) Red Bull’s Mind Gamers site has a number of cool games and contests, so if this kind of thing interests you, I recommend sticking around, playing the games, and throwing your hat into the ring for the current and upcoming Mind Gamers challenges.
2) I recommend watching each of the three videos of finalist submissions. While I encourage people to vote for me, a lot of people put a lot of hard work into this contest, and I’d like to be respectful of that. If you absolutely love one of the other entries more than mine, I grudgingly request that you vote for them instead of me!
I’ll be posting about each of my contest entries for Red Bull Mind Gamers so you can get an easier look and what I’ve been submitting, but in the meantime, thanks for any support you can provide!
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