November 2, 2018 – It’s finally here- after ten months of meticulously watching for flight deals and studying maps, I’ve hit the final stretch. I just completed my 47th state (Colorado), will be headed to Wyoming in just a few hours, and will be tackling Montana and Idaho in the next two days. Whew!
I narrowly dodged disaster with Wyoming. I went online to book at Epic Escape Rooms in Cheyenne, but no listings showed before Saturday afternoon. There would be no way to make it to one of those before catching our flight to Missoula, so I expanded my search. Google showed two other options near Casper, Wyoming… More than four hours north of Denver. Pretty much smack in the middle of the state.
While it would be possible to spend nine hours driving back & forth between Friday morning and Saturday afternoon, I wasn’t looking forward to the prospect. I zoomed in a little on the map and asked Google to search again. It found another escape room in south Wyoming, a little bit west of Cheyenne. Not much further than my initial plan. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
There’s probably a lesson here about planning ahead, but part of the joy of my adventures this year has been flying by the seat of my pants and being willing to adapt to the schedule. Even tonight Christina and I very nearly added a water circus to our schedule, but we’ll be back near Denver just slightly too late for that.
As far as the trip itself, the morning started really early yet again (4:15 AM today), but I’ve gotten better at navigating airports and airplanes. This Frontier flight was shockingly smooth, to the point where I had to double check that the plane was in the air. I got a little rest on the plane and I’m ready to cram as much activity as I can into this trip. Between Denver and Laramie I plan to stop off at Turtle Rock Trail and see a little of the natural sights of the area. The weather is beautiful in Denver, a little cool and breezy but bright and sunny.
I also look forward to putting together a longer write up about the first escape room of this trip, Rabbit Hole Recreation Services. While I typically refrain from calling any escape room I’ve done “the best” or “my favorite,” I’m very tempted to use those words for this one. The room was mindblowingly well-designed and well-executed and I’m going to have plenty to say about it.
With that, I’ve got four hours until my next escape room, which is just over two hours driving from where I am now, so I’m heading in that direction and checking out some natural sights along the way. State #48, here I come!
Side note- I wish I had taken better photos of the natural scenery on this beautiful day, but instead I had to settle with using a parking lot photo to show off where I am now. Looking forward to getting some slightly more exciting photos at Turtle Rock.
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