Hurst, TX: Thrifty Pirate – Escape Cave

September 17, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

September 5, 2019 – I’ve got a new record for closest margin of victory in an escape room.  I’ve had some close calls before, some where we needed to double check that we actually won.  At Thrifty Pirate in Hurst, TX, the opening of the final lock and the sound of the buzzer telling us time ran out were borderline simultaneous.  It was thrilling to get the win and close out the trip 3-0.

Dallas, in a Nutshell

September 5, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

Escape room. Local attraction (Reunion Tower). Geocache. Forest preserve. Tex Mex. Barbecue. I’m just reaching the end of day 1 in Dallas and I’ve already packed in most of the necessities I was shooting for.

Chicago to Dallas: $46

August 21, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

Most people seem to hate Spirit Airlines.  I used to be right there with them, but over the past two years, they may have become my favorite airline.  I just booked a quick 1.5 day getaway to Dallas for $46 round trip.