Bethlehem, PA: Escape.exe – Neon Tokyo (Resistance)

November 7, 2022 Brian Gondek 3

The last time I visited Escape.exe, in April 2021, Neon Tokyo was coming soon. After the experience I had in the first room, Site: 117, Neon Tokyo was a must-visit, and the next time Christina and I needed to drive to the east coast, we made sure our path took us past Escape.exe.

Upstate New York Recap

May 22, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

Final tally for the trip which started Friday before last – thirteen escape rooms and two Geocaches. I wish I had more time to explore some of the neat places I encountered but am ultimately happy with what I was able to see.

Bethlehem, PA: Escape.exe – Site 117: Duos Challenge

August 10, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

April 24, 2021 – At the end of our stay on the east coast, Christina and I hit the road for home late. We intended to get on the road early but ended up spending a lot of time in New York City, and it was already well on the way to evening when we hit the road. I had scouted ahead and spotted an extremely unique-looking challenge- the Duos game at Escape.exe.

End of the Journey: West Again

April 27, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

It’s hard to believe we hit the road from Stamford only two days ago. We only stopped at one escape room and one Geocache along the way, but we also encountered a few scenarios that prove life is ultimately one big puzzle to solve.

Odyssey to the East: Day 2

April 15, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

I’m a few days late in completing this recap, but better late than never. Day 2 of our drive from Chicago to Stamford was just as eventful as the first, with one escape room, a few famous sites, and more rainy driving than I care to revisit.