Upstate New York Recap

May 22, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

Final tally for the trip which started Friday before last – thirteen escape rooms and two Geocaches. I wish I had more time to explore some of the neat places I encountered but am ultimately happy with what I was able to see.

End of the Journey: West Again

April 27, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

It’s hard to believe we hit the road from Stamford only two days ago. We only stopped at one escape room and one Geocache along the way, but we also encountered a few scenarios that prove life is ultimately one big puzzle to solve.

Day 1: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio

April 11, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

I’m writing this update from a hotel in Youngstown, Ohio. So far, our trip has been a little bit on the harrowing side, but only due to the weather conditions on the road.