48 down, 77 to go. Puzzle Boat 3 is under way, and my team has been cranking through!
As a brief refresher, Puzzle Boat 3 is a series of online puzzles ranging from somewhat difficult to brutally obscure. It’s in the same vein as the MIT Puzzle Hunt and gives puzzling enthusiasts a chance to solve puzzles whole hog for days on end.
The game is recommended for 6-8 participants, and I’m working with a team of 3 total. Pro- I get to be hands on with almost every puzzle. Con- I have to be hands on with almost every puzzle. It’s enjoyable, but all three of us need to dedicate serious time to puzzles over the course of a month.
Puzzle Boat 2 took our team just over 30 days to complete. We’re well ahead of that pace for Puzzle Boat 3. But the further we get, the harder the puzzles are, and the end usually requires all of us to work together on the final bunch.
I’ve also been working from rural Wisconsin and have used up 29.26 of my 30 GB of wifi hotspot, so I’m having to get creative in finding ways to solve puzzles using only my phone. So far so good, but a lot of the remaining ones require some element of doodling on a grid, so I’m not sure how sustainable that is.
But it’s been fun, and it’s been a good relaxing week spent in rural Wisconsin!
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