Chess: Cautious Optimism

So I may need to rethink my chess goal for the year- after 7 games, I’m 4-1-2.

On the other hand, I’ve watched one of the “Lessons” recorded on, and it makes me feel that I’m further than ever from being a legitimate player. I watched a video on one particular opening, and it’s mindblowing how every move toward the start of the game really only has 1-2 appropriate countermoves. I’ve got a lot to learn.

Still, I may need to change my target. My original plan of beating one legitimate opponent became more vague once I discovered I could already go toe to toe with some of the competition. So what’s the measure for a good enough opponent? I’ll have to reflect on that a little. Maybe I have to take on a level 10 computer… Maybe just 7…

In the meantime, I’ve been learning a lot, and it’s gratifying learning at least a few of the ins and outs of the game. I’m getting faster at the “puzzles” and I’m starting to recognize situations like that in the games I’m playing online.

I don’t expect to be winning tournaments anytime soon, but with chess on my phone, I can get plenty of practice.

Online chess record as of 8/18: 4-1-2

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