The Devil’s Plan- Greatest Gameshow Ever?

October 19, 2024 Brian Gondek 0

I stumbled across The Devil’s Plan on Netflx via the thumbnail depicting someone solving a tangram puzzle. That was enough for me to give it a shot, and boy did it surpass my expectations. The Korean game show has definitively captured my #1 spot in all of reality / game show history.

A Puzzling Place: House on the Rock

August 4, 2024 Brian Gondek 0

This weekend was a delightful adventure the likes of which I haven’t had in a while. I often forget how much there is to do around Madison and the Wisconsin Dells, and after this weekend, I’m not sure I ever had a full understanding of it in the first place. Somehow, we explored a few new places yet left with even more unexplored landmarks we want to return to.

Book Review: You’ve Been Played

June 9, 2024 Brian Gondek 0

I’m going to make a bold claim- You’ve Been Played, by Adrian Hon, is the best nonfiction book I’ve read in years. The last book I got this much value from was Thinking Fast and Slow, the seminal work of Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman. I don’t make that comparison lightly.

Between Journeys

September 1, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

I’m currently smack dab in the middle of my busiest stretch of travel in quite some time, and between travel, work, and outside commitments, this may be the busiest I’ve been in my life. Not even factoring in trying to start a business and repair a barn.

Puzzler Hunt – Enter the Passphrase

May 29, 2022 Brian Gondek 0

Most of the puzzle hunts I’ve done recently are for bragging rights only, so it’s cool to finally be diving into one with a $10,000 prize. Enter the Passphrase is an active puzzle hunt that will wrap up on June 4th with the huge prize going to the first solver.

End of the Journey: West Again

April 27, 2021 Brian Gondek 0

It’s hard to believe we hit the road from Stamford only two days ago. We only stopped at one escape room and one Geocache along the way, but we also encountered a few scenarios that prove life is ultimately one big puzzle to solve.

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January Project Update – Final Design

January 24, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I’ve been somewhat quiet lately despite not traveling all that much in early 2019.  I’m still feeling good about the twelve projects in twelve months goal for this year, and I’m more than excited ever about my January project.  The final delivery might be a bit later than Jan 31, but I can kick off the February project while waiting for the finished items. Christina and I have finalized our design for the January item, and while I want to keep it a little bit of a secret, I’m also eager to tell everyone.  The January product will be my […]

Puzzle #30: Busy Times

January 3, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I have to open off with a serious congratulations to Scott S., who solve last week’s puzzle almost immediately after I posted it.  I was afraid the puzzle might be a little unfair, but Scott didn’t seem to mind!  With a recent holiday in the books, today’s puzzle is holiday themed.

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Riddle Delay

December 21, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

Sorry for the delay, but my new puzzle will be posted tomorrow! In the meantime, I have a quick announcement to make.  I’m currently building an app that’ll make it easy to learn Morse code.  Updates coming soon!

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Guest Puzzler

November 21, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

As I’m approaching my own deadline for putting together a riddle this week (Wednesday before midnight!), a colleague and puzzle enthusiast sent me a big list of rebuses (rebi?) to tackle.  Deadline for my own submission is tomorrow, so wish me luck.  When I finish, I’ll report on how many I was able to solve and you can try your hand at beating my mark.