Puzzle #28: About Time

December 21, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

I feel like I’m always apologizing for my late puzzles.  While I’m always secretly hoping I’ll find time to create a bunch of riddles at the same time and then not have to worry about it for a while, I’m usually stuck trying to come up with something at the last minute.  But I’ve got a new one cooked up!

Puzzle #27: Up to Five

December 13, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

If you like the puzzles about GUM/MUG and SNIP/PINS, then you’ll like this one.  If not…  Next week?  I’m revisiting that same template but bumping the puzzle up to five letters instead of four.  Jon C. upstaged all of these with a STRESSED/DESSERTS 8-letter find, but I’ll keep plugging along with my lower totals.

Puzzle #26: Right in Front of You

December 6, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

Today’s puzzle is similar to one from a few weeks ago.  I had asked for the longest possible word where each letter comes after the previous in the alphabet and got many interesting answers.  The challenge is the same today, but with a different sequence of letters.

Puzzle #23: Mysteriously Vanished?

November 17, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

Getting ready to publish another escape room tale when I noticed that puzzle #23 had up and vanished from the site.  No idea what happened, and apologies for any confusion this may have caused!

Puzzle #22: Forward-looking Words

November 9, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

No, I haven’t disappeared.  I’ve been working on rolling out a new way to anonymously submit answers to my weekly puzzle, and I think I’ve got it!  Let’s try it out this week.  No longer do you need to go out on a limb and publish your answer for all to see.

Puzzle #16: Not Stressful at All

September 27, 2018 Brian Gondek 2

I’m well aware that my travels outpace my writing, but I’m going to keep plugging along, writing at least one escape room review and one puzzle per week.  This week was lucky, as Christina and I came up with a puzzle in New England, saving me from the adventure of putting one together at the last minute!

Puzzle #12: Back to the Numbers

August 30, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

Given the announcement of Aaron Rodgers’ megabucks deal today, I’m going back to a numeric puzzle to honor #12.  Perhaps in more ways than one…  You may need to do some minor research to solve this one, but it doesn’t necessarily need the internet.

Puzzle #6: Word Wizard

July 20, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

After a stretch of number puzzles, it’s time to try a words one.  This one requires a little bit of work rather than relying on a “gotcha” moment, so take your time.