Puzzle #46: Not Truly Original

April 25, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I remember reading a puzzle like this in some puzzle book or another. I’m not sure where, so I can’t give credit where it’s due, but someone out there did a good job making a puzzle that’s fun to think through.

Just Like Artwork

April 22, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything related to my opinions on escape room design. This weekend I had an interesting juxtaposition of experiences which helps to explain why I don’t like making blanket statements about the quality of rooms or choosing favorites.

Puzzle #45: Back to Back

April 20, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

This week I had to bounce back from a long stretch of being under the weather. Results were mixed. I played trivia at a bar and by two minor misfortunes my team notched our first ever ZERO total. Not our day, but that’s fine- I did learn a few new things and it was still fun.

Puzzle #44: Sick Days

April 14, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I’m finally on the mend, and of course the first thing I want to do when I’m feeling better is to fulfill my promise to get a puzzle out there. Still not quite near 100%, but every day is better. If you don’t like my puzzle this week, blame that.

Late Riddle This Week

April 12, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I hate having to start with an apology, but sorry for the late riddle this week. On the bright side, I’ve still got some unsolved puzzles which can be viewed all together by this link.

Silver Springs, MD: Big Escape Rooms – Outbreak

April 7, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

July 30, 2018 – I opened the day on a somewhat tight timetable, with goals to tackle escape rooms in Maryland, Virginia, and DC on the 30th, as well as to explore many of Washington’s incredible museums and monuments. The train to Silver Springs was out of commission, but thankfully it was easy enough to get to Silver Springs on a bus and walk to Big Escape Rooms.

Puzzle #43: Around the US

April 4, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

Last week we had multiple correct answers submitted- first was Scott S, followed by Jon C. The answer will be updated on that puzzle page! This week’s puzzle weaves in something I learned while traveling around the US. It may help if you know (or research) details about each of these places.

St. Louis Rush

March 30, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I mentioned it in a previous post, but last weekend, March 23-24, I took a very quick journey to St. Louis and back. Between the morning of March 23 and the afternoon of March 24, I solved nine escape rooms. Even for an enthusiast, it felt like a lot, but I have no regrets!

Puzzle #42: St. Louis Blues

March 29, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

So I took a trip to St. Louis last weekend and haven’t yet written a word on it. I guess that’s bound to happen sometime when I’m moving along in a hurry. Just about 24 hours in St. Louis, and nine escape rooms solved (well, eight around St. Louis and one on the way home). There were definitely a few noteworthy adventures, and I’ll provide those stories at another time. For now, it’s time for a puzzle.

Puzzle #41: Math-ish-matic

March 22, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

This week’s puzzle is slightly more on the mathematical side, but I have to believe that a visual thinker would be able to come up with the optimal answer, too. Half the fun will be deciding how to approach this one- I was intentionally vague on some of the assumptions. All interpretations are fair game, although there is one specific answer I have in mind.