New Review Framework

February 24, 2020 Brian Gondek 2

For a long time I’ve been considering putting together a more rigorous framework for my reviews, and I’ve finally got the pieces in place to start with it.  I’m going to stay as objective as possible but also start calling out how my personal preferences influence my experience with escape rooms and other puzzle games.

Manitowoc, WI: What the Lock – Orvellio’s Reconjured

February 15, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

Orvellio’s: Reconjured left Christina and me wanting more, and thankfully, What the Lock has several more rooms we haven’t played yet.  Orvellio’s is a brilliantly designed room that caters toward puzzle enthusiasts, and it was the most satisfying escape room experience we’ve done in quite some time.

Keep It Up!

February 7, 2020 Brian Gondek 0

I’m happy to check in and say that I’ve got the inside track for one of the tickets to Red Bull Discovery Lab – I’m up 43-13-12!