Beta Testing with Enthusiasts: Dos and Dont’s

July 31, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

You’re opening a new escape room and you only have one opportunity to beta test it.  You can either bring in a team of family and friends who generally like the idea and enjoy puzzles, or you can bring out a hardcore escape room enthusiast, say one who solved an escape room in every state in under a year.  What do you do?

The Anatomy of a Bad Experience

July 21, 2019 Brian Gondek 1

Christina and I recently completed a negative experience at a nearby escape room, Panic Escape Room.  I don’t like speaking negatively about escape rooms regarding subjective elements that I personally didn’t like, but Panic had enough objective issues that make it a perfect case study for simple things to avoid in room design.

50 States, Pictured

July 18, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

I finally got around to plotting on a map the locations of where I’ve solved escape rooms. Now I’m interested in taking trips to plug some of the biggest geographical gaps.

Fort Collins, CO: ConTRAPtions – Plight of the Margo Part 1

July 13, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

May 11, 2019 – On our most recent trip to Denver, Christina and I wanted to hike a little. There’s no shortage of options around Denver for this, but we had heard from Brian at Rabbit Hole Recreation Services that the Fort Collins area had some great escape rooms in addition to its natural wonders, so we headed in that direction.

Escape Room Prizes

July 4, 2019 Brian Gondek 0

Many escape room businesses offer some kind of prize for winning.  Whether it be a small prize like a sticker or a big prize like a T-shirt, or even proof of victory like a digital leaderboard or a stamp on a “passport,” there are a lot of prizes out there right now.  So what makes a good prize? I’ll break down my thoughts on a few of the prizes I’ve encountered: