Tigard, OR: Stumptown Escape Games – Oregon Files and Seance

December 30, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

June 9, 2018 – Tigard, Oregon was the last stop on a trip that started in Anchorage, Alaska.  This was easily the longest trip I took in 2018 (the only one more than a week), but it was also a candidate for most memorable.  Stumptown Escape Games was a fitting endcap for the trip, leaving me with some great memories and a wish to return to try the other rooms.

Puzzle #29: Numeric Crux

December 29, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

A lot of my recent numeric puzzles have been tied to outside relationships of things typically associated with numbers.  Today I wanted to go back to having one that dealt purely with numbers & mathematics.  This time, if you hate mathematics, you should probably steer clear!

Tacoma, WA: Freighthouse Station Escape – HH Holmes

December 26, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

June 8, 2018 – The Celebrity Millennium dumped my family and me off in Vancouver, and after a hike across Vancouver and an eventful Greyhound bus ride (a story for another time, titled “Poodunit”), I arrived in Seattle.  My plan was to grab a rental car in Seattle and catch an escape room south of the city, and Tacoma seemed like a great candidate.

Puzzle #28: About Time

December 21, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

I feel like I’m always apologizing for my late puzzles.  While I’m always secretly hoping I’ll find time to create a bunch of riddles at the same time and then not have to worry about it for a while, I’m usually stuck trying to come up with something at the last minute.  But I’ve got a new one cooked up!

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Riddle Delay

December 21, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

Sorry for the delay, but my new puzzle will be posted tomorrow! In the meantime, I have a quick announcement to make.  I’m currently building an app that’ll make it easy to learn Morse code.  Updates coming soon!

Puzzle #27: Up to Five

December 13, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

If you like the puzzles about GUM/MUG and SNIP/PINS, then you’ll like this one.  If not…  Next week?  I’m revisiting that same template but bumping the puzzle up to five letters instead of four.  Jon C. upstaged all of these with a STRESSED/DESSERTS 8-letter find, but I’ll keep plugging along with my lower totals.

The Riviera of the Midwest (St. Joseph, MI)

December 9, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

December 7, 2018 – One month after completing an escape room in Idaho and finishing my 50 state goal, I was feeling stir crazy.  Between holidays, illnesses, and buying a new car, I’ve been stuck in the suburbs of Chicago every week, with only a quick trip over the border to the Milwaukee area to break things up a little.  This weekend was no different, with a Christmas party and a Blackhawks game to go to.  Still, no snow on the roads and an open Saturday left me feeling ok with getting out of town.

Puzzle #26: Right in Front of You

December 6, 2018 Brian Gondek 1

Today’s puzzle is similar to one from a few weeks ago.  I had asked for the longest possible word where each letter comes after the previous in the alphabet and got many interesting answers.  The challenge is the same today, but with a different sequence of letters.

St. Louis, MO: St. Louis Escape – Subway

December 3, 2018 Brian Gondek 0

May 25, 2018 – St. Louis Escape looks scary from the outside.  You enter through an unadorned staircase adjacent to a loading dock.  The entrance is well-labeled, thankfully, and that gives you the confidence to keep you moving forward, though you reach for your cell phone to make sure you can call for help if you run into any trouble.  And then you enter the lobby and find all your concerns were for naught, as St. Louis Escape actually has a really spacious and comfy lobby which gives you plenty to do (puzzles, games, pinball) while you wait for your […]